GGG First Look - Part 3

Components - Powder (and the extra 5 grains). 

Part 1: Photos and detailed measurements of GGG 'Imperial'. 
Part 2: On the range, On Target and Over the Chrono. 
Part 3: Components - Powder.
Part 4: Components - Brass.
Part 5: GGG: Gas! Gas! Gas!


As the photo shows, the GGG powder is Ball/spherical, unlike the powders we're mostly familiar with in TR world which are extruded.  Ball powders generally meter beter than extruded, so they can be prefereable for volume manufacturing, but most match ammo is made with extruded powder which has a reputation for producing smaller velocity spreads. 


Remember the round that was 5 grains heavier than the rest?

Was the difference down to the powder charge?

See below for the answer:

Powder Bullet Case +
Grains Grains Grains Grains
42.848 155.020 182.382 380.250
43.064 154.950 182.044 380.058
42.998 154.938 187.122 385.058
Min 42.848 154.938
Max 43.064 155.02
ES 0.216 0.082
Mean 42.97 154.97


Next: Part 4: Components - Brass.